A wide selection

We are proud to offer a wide range of top quality food products. We carefully select each ingredient and food to ensure exceptional flavor and impeccable freshness. We also work closely with local producers and adhere to sustainable production standards. We have everything you need to satisfy your taste buds and your conscience, so feel free to browse our online catalog to discover all the gustatory wonders we have to offer.


Fish & seafood

Frozen fruits & vegetables

Pre-cut fruits & vegetables

Eggs and dairy products

Dry foods


Containers and packaging

Herbs and roots

Quick and flexible delivery

We put at your disposal a team of passionate experts, dedicated to offering you a quality service, from the producer to the plate. This allows us to deliver to many regions of Quebec with rigor and efficiency.

Open an account with Damen

Benefit from an impressive list of fresh products all year round!

Freshly selected products!

Speed and flexibility are one of Damen’s mantras. But special care is taken when it comes to carefully choosing the best products in our daily supply.

Obtenez une soumission et
soyez agréablement surpris.

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